Hi all! Happy weekend ~ I feel like my week days are getting longer and my weekends are getting shorter, but at least the sun has been shining, which means Summer is almost here! After a big internal debate, I decided to end my Whole30 three days early and treated myself to wine and cashew milk icecream Friday night. Caity and I took advantage of the nice weather and met up for dinner, and after that, I just kept going. A teeny part of me wishes I held out the last few days, and the other part of me doesn't regret it even one little bit. When I made the decision to begin the Whole30 (while I was vomiting into a garbage can in my kitchen with the stomach virus), I had hopes that I would learn what foods bothered my digestive system. Throughout the past 30 27 days, I have learned a ton of self control when it comes to eating (I used to have this, and then it all went away...), and have become aware of how much sugar is unnecessarily added into just about everything we eat. Becau...