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Showing posts from December, 2013

Holiday Love List

Five things I love about the holidays: 1. Shopping so much and pretending I'm Santa 2. The endless amount of hugging 3. Opening presents 4. Seeing my cousins for three days in a row 5. Singing along to Christmas songs I'm snuggled in the living room with my Santa's Secret tea wearing the comfiest pair of socks I've ever owned and chatting with two of my best friends in the entire world. I feel like an old lady because of how exhausted I am from shopping, wrapping, chatting, and all of those other activities that come along with the holidays. Tomorrow marks the final day of celebration; the family comes over for Tyler's birthday. That also means I am soon to add cleaning to the list of exhausting tasks. Someone carry me to bed... I miss the city already and kind of wish I was in the Bronx sitting at my spot by the front window right now. It's weird how some place can become your home and then you just have to leave it behind. Saying goodbye to NYC was d...

My Week in Review / A Revisit to the Bucket List

I created my month long bucket list over a month ago, so it's safe to say that I'm not too great at bucket lists, but let's review: 1. Get tickets at the TKTS booth for a Broadway show. Okay, not completed yet, but Tyler and I are going over break for Christmas gifts, so I'm getting there with that one.. 2. Go ice skating at one (or all) of the outdoor rinks. I brought my ice skates back after Thanksgiving but have yet to go... Does anyone want to go ice skating? SOS. 3. See a movie at the Loews Theatre with reclining chairs. (check.. almost) Funny story about this one... On Thursday, Tess and I planned on going to see The Hunger Games at this theatre. I chose a movie time, met up with Tess, and we hiked it through the city in the below freezing temperatures.... towards the wrong theatre. TOTALLY my fault, I don't know how I managed that one. But it actually worked out well (I'll explain below) and we're going today, so that's soon to be che...

Friends at their Finest

For the past two weeks or so I have been dying to write about my upcoming trip to Stonehill, but to keep the visit a surprise, I had to seal my lips. I decided to set up an interview for a possible part time internship at Lombardo's, a beautiful, family owned venue for corporate and social events ( It's about a 20 minute drive away from Stonehill, and would allow me to get a taste of the event planning world. Anyway, for fun, I decided to not tell my friends that I would be at school, and trekked through the snowy weather up north. Before heading to Massachusetts, I had to take a train upstate to get my car from Grandma (she's visiting her sister who just had knee surgery). So, Sunday night I arrived in Poughkeepsie, and met up with the pair to head back to Aunt Chickie's house for the night. Now, as I mentioned, she just had knee surgery, but I spent about 10 minutes at the train station trying to find them, because she kept climbing d...

Farewell For Now, Kleinfeld

It's actually really crazy how fast this internship flew by. I remember getting ready on my first day, putting on the outfit I chose the night before and overanalyzing every bit of it. I began my commute in flats but changed into heels before I even got off of the subway in case one of the staff saw me in flats (what?! Who cares!). I spent my first day working with Lisa Furman. Originally, she intimidated the crap out of me, but after getting to know her and working with her again during my internship, I learned that she has one of the biggest hearts. I remember getting assigned a locker in the bathroom and thinking I would never know half of the dresses on the main floor, let alone the dresses in the stock room. Over the summer, when I would tell people about my upcoming internship, they either asked if I was going to be on TV or totally judged me for going to work at a bridal salon. I guess it seems like something that would require no skill or benefit me in any way? Who know...

Traveling the Globe

I'm not really sure where to begin recounting my last week from... I spent Thanksgiving weekend in Florida and it was a ton of fun as always. While the weather could have been a bit warmer, anything is better than the 30 degree winter weather here in the Bronx, so it was still enjoyable. On Thanksgiving, we golf carted over to Gram's sisters house and spent the day with that side of the family. Dinner was delicious and it was nice to sit and chat with everyone. I don't get to see them often, so it was nice to catch up. Also, I got second place in the Thanksgiving Day Scavenger Hunt (honorary first if you count my bonus point...). I lost to Mom, so I guess I'm okay with that... On Friday, Mom, Dad, Gram, Tyler and I went to spend the day in Epcot. So fun! We went on a few rides and then explored the different countries. That definitely did not lessen my travel bug, but that's besides the point. I had lunch in France and dinner in Italy, and peed in Japan, China, ...